“Thinking about art is a part of me, and while I am out hiking, canoeing or snowshoeing, I am planning my next painting.”
I like my paintings to have a strong visual impact due to bold use of colour, an appreciation of light, and emphasis on mood. All of my landscapes are inspired by the environment surrounding me, as I cherish the landmarks that identify specific areas. I place great value on conservation and protection of the forests, grasslands, wetlands, and cultural sites in our area. My art work represents the complex interrelationships of an entire ecosystem. As more and more people see nature as the connection point, they recognize how important it is to preserve and restore our natural habitats.
My education consists of graduating with a Bachelor of Education from UBC, and many other courses through the University of Victoria fine arts program, as well as numerous workshops with acclaimed artists. Living in the Okanagan, painting has reinforced my participation as a signature artist in AFC (Artists for Conservation), the Meadowlark Nature Festival, and through my work supporting the Nature Trust of BC. I have given many presentations on art, including a Ted X talk, and am represented by Tutt Street Gallery, Okanagan Art Gallery, and many special annual events. I work out of my studio in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.
Dorothy Tinning